Methodist Men’s Group

Fellowship and spiritual growth for men

The Lindenwald Methodist Men is a fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus, to grow spiritually, to seek his will and to support the mission of the Global Methodist Church.   

We meet the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at Perkins Restaurant on Nilles Road in Fairfield, Ohio, for breakfast, fellowship, devotions, and business. 

Through projects such as the sale of “yardsale” spaces, Birthday Calendars, soft-drink machine profits, and individual pledges, we support several Ministries. We provide Upper Room Devotionals for the congregation, making contributions to 9 local charities, and fund projects at Lindenwald Community Church and its parsonage. 

Current officers are:  

President: Ray Kissinger

Vice President: Jim Heyser

Secretary: Jim Heyser

Treasurer: John Kaiser