
Our Vision Statement

As followers of Christ, we seek to know him, and strive to be like him in our character, and live our lives as witnesses for the Kingdom of God.

As we strive to live out our vision of “Knowing Jesus and Making Jesus Known,” we model our lives after Jesus by developing a strong personal faith and sharing His love with others.

Our mission is rooted in the Great Commission, to go and make disciples for the transformation of the world.

Knowing Jesus

Encounter God

“Come follow me, Jesus said.” — Mark 1:17
We believe the foundation for a balanced Christian life begins with a strong, personal relationship with God. We strive to offer passionate moments where people can encounter God. Worship, prayer, group life, and quiet time for reflection and study are important components of growing stronger in our faith.

Experience a Caring Community

“Love one another as I have loved you.” — John 13:34 Our spiritual journey is enhanced and strengthened by connecting with fellow believers and being in authentic community.

Making Jesus Known

Explore and Share Your Faith

“Imitate me as I imitate Christ.”  — 1 Corinthians 11:1
As we grow in the knowledge of God and develop trusting relationships, we encourage others in the faith, to love God, accept his love and grace, and encourage them to embrace their identity as a child of God.
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…”   —  I Thessalonians 5:11